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music/books > Enrico Caruso – Man, Myth, Artist, and God

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March 3, 2025 at 6 pm

The Italian Cultural Institute of Washington, in collaboration with Georgetown University, presents the book  by Francesco Cotticelli and Paologiovanni Maione, “Enrico Caruso: L’uomo, l’artista, il divo  (2024, Hollitzer ed.)

The authors, Professor Francesco Cotticelli (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) and Professor Paologiovanni Maione (Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli), together with Professor Anthony R. DelDonna (Thomas E. Caestecker Professor of Music, Georgetown University), will guide us in a conversation exploring the career of the singer Enrico Caruso and his resounding contributions to opera and popular song.

The book offers a better understanding of Enrico Caruso, an extraordinary man, musician, and artist whose contribution to music goes well beyond opera, through the experiences of scholars in various disciplines including music, performing arts, and art and film history, who were touched by his genius.

The book presentation will be held in English.


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Anthony DelDonna is Thomas E. Caestecker Professor of Music at Georgetown University. He is a specialist in eighteenth-century topics and in particular Italian music, musicians, and culture. His research has focused primarily on the dramatic stage (opera, oratorio, cantata), archival studies, instrumental music, and dance. Prof. DelDonna’s research has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Acta Musicologica, Quaderni del Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella, The Journal of Musicology, Quaderni d’Italianistica, Eighteenth-Century Studies, Early Music, Eighteenth-Century Music, Recercare, Studi musicali and Civiltà musicale as well as numerous essays in scholarly volumes dedicated to the eighteenth century. DelDonna is the author of the monographs Naples, Capital of Dance: the feste di ballo tradition in the long eighteenth century (Cambridge University Press, 2025), Instrumental Music in Late Eighteenth- Century Naples: Politics, Patronage and Artistic Culture (Cambridge University Press, 2020), and Opera, Theatrical Culture and Society in Late Eighteenth-Century Naples published by Ashgate Press (2012); co-editor of The Cambridge Companion to Eighteenth-Century Opera (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009); co-editor of Music as Cultural Mission: Explorations of Jesuit Practices in Italy and North America (St. Joseph University Press, 2014); and editor for Genre and Music in the 18th century (Ann Arbor: Steglein Press, 2008). Prof. DelDonna’s forthcoming publications include the critical edition of the opera La ballerina amante by Domenico Cimarosa (ETS, Rome), an article on Queen Maria Carolina as singer and patron, and a new monograph focused on the royal chapel of Naples.


Paologiovanni Maione is Professor of Historical Musicology at the Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli,” artistic and scientific co-director of the Fondazione Pietà de’ Turchini, member of the scientific committee of the Centro de Estudos Musicais Setecentistas in Portugal, and member of the scientific committee of the Fondazione Pergolesi-Spontini among numerous other leadership positions within Italian academic institutions. Prof. Maione currently serves as President of the editorial committee for the National Edition of the comedies of Domenico Cimarosa (funded by the Italian Republic). Recognized as the leading authority of early modern Naples and its artistic traditions, prof. Maione has published the highly-acclaimed monographs «Onesto divertimento, ed allegria de’ popoli». Materiali per una storia dello spettacolo a Napoli nel primo Settecento (Milan, Ricordi, 1996); La cappella musicale del Tesoro di San Gennaro di Napoli tra Sei e Settecento (Napoli, Turchini Edizioni, 2008); Francesco Oliva Lo castiello saccheato Commeddea. In appendice Francesco Oliva – Pietro Trinchera L’Emilia Commedia per musica (Venezia, lineadacqua, 2015); Carlo Goldoni L’impresario delle Smirne (Venezia, Marsilio, 2018). Prof. Maione is also responsible for the edited volumes Domenico Cimarosa: un ‘napoletano’ in Europa (Lucca, LIM, 2004); Storia della musica e dello spettacolo a Napoli. Il Settecento (Napoli, Turchini Edizioni 2009 in trad. tedesca Kassell, Bärenreiter, 2010); Le stagioni di Niccolò Jommelli (Napoli, Turchini Edizioni, 2018); Serenata and Festa Teatrale in 18th Century Europe (Wien, Hollitzer Wissenschaftverlag, 2018); Storia della musica e dello spettacolo a Napoli. Il Seicento (Napoli, Turchini Edizioni 2019); Rossini & Napoli: di questa luce un raggio, (Napoli, Edizioni San Pietro a Majella, 2020), Danza e ballo a Napoli: un dialogo con l’Europa (Napoli, Turchini Edizioni, 2021), Mercadante150 (Napoli, Edizioni San Pietro a Majella, 2022); La formazione musicale nel Meridione d’Italia tra Viceregno e Regno (Napoli, Turchini Edizioni, 2022) ed Enrico Caruso. L’uomo, l’artista, il divo (Wien, Hollitzer, 2023). He has published more than one-hundred scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals and lectured widely across Europe, the Americas, and Asia.


Francesco Cotticelli is Professor of Theatrical History in the Department of Humanistic Studies at the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. He received his Ph.D. in History of Theater in 1998 and he has completed post-doctoral work at The Ohio State University and served as a Fellow at Yale University (2012); in 2004, 2012, and 2013 he served as Visiting Professor at The Institute for Film, Media, and Theatrical History at the University of Vienna; in 2017, he was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship as Distinguished Lecturer at the University of Notre Dame. He is past professor at the University of Cagliari and Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli.” Prof. Cotticelli is a frequent collaborator with a broad range of Italian and foreign academic journals and he has lectured widely in Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Holland, Portugal, Spain, the Americas, Japan and many other international locales. His research expertise focuses on early-modern Italy with specific attention on the tradition of the commedia dell’arte and the diffusion of its repertoire as well as on the works of Pietro Metastasio, the organization and production practices of theater in Naples during the vice-regencies of Spain and Austria as well as the independent kingdom of the eighteenth century. He has published numerous scholarly monographs and editions, including the bi-lingual edition of the Casamarciano collection of commedia dell’arte scenarios (2001) and the critical edition of Andrea Perrucci’s treatise Dell’Arte rappresentativa premeditata,ed all’improvviso. Among his most recognized publications include Onesto divertimento, ed allegria de’ popoli. Materiali per una storia dello spettacolo a Napoli nel primo Settecento, Milano,Ricordi, 1996 (in collaboration with Paologiovanni Maione); Le istituzioni musicalia Napoli durante il Viceregno austriaco (1707-1734). Materiali inedita sulla Real Cappella ed il Teatro di San Bartolomeo, Napoli, Luciano,1993 (reissued, 2012); Eduardo. Modelli, compagni di strada,successori, Napoli, CLEAN, 2015; Domenico Barone, Barone (poi Marchese)di Liveri, Partenio. Prof. Cotticelli has published more than one-hundred peer-reviewed articles and helped to restore the long narrative of Neapolitan theatrical traditions of the early modern period.


  • Organized by: Italian Cultural Institute of Washington
  • In collaboration with: George Washington University