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Studiare in Italia

Why would you want to learn Italian in Italy?

Italian is a language of culture. Knowledge of Italian means access to a literary legacy of fundamental importance for the history of Europe, access to an invaluable body of works in the science and humanities, access to Italian theatre, music, opera, cinema and television production.  Italian is a language of study. Scores of foreign students decide every year to enroll in Italian universities and academies, or visit Italian libraries and archives.

Italian is a language of work. Managers, investors, technicians, and other workers get regularly in touch with the Italian world of industry, technology, and services that spread from our country’s boundaries.

And by speaking Italian, their acquaintance of Italy and its hospitable people, between cities of art and marvels of nature, becomes a true pleasure.

Below you can find a list of Italian Universities offering courses of Italian Language and Culture:

Also, there are private schools of Italian language and culture that have been awarded with the “Presa d’atto del MIUR”. These schools are a guarantee of reliability and quality as far as the organization and the level of the courses provided is concerned, as they have been inspected by the Ministry of Education, University and Research.  By visiting the schools websites, users can verify if they belong to associations that ensure that the quality of services provided meets certain standards.

National associations:

  • ASILS (Associazione Scuole di Italiano come Lingua seconda)
  • AIL (Accademia Italiana di Lingua)
  • ITALIAN IN ITALY (Associazione Nazionale di Scuole di lingua italiana)