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in person/streaming > Marco Pignataro Jazzet – Featuring John Patitucci at the 2021 DC Jazz Fest

As part of the 2021 DC Jazz Festival, we are pleased to announce the performance of Italian saxophonist Marco Pignataro and his outstanding “Jazzet” featuring John Patitucci on bass, Alan Pasqua on piano, Cory Pesaturo on accordion, as well as emerging young talent Tyson Jackson on drums. Their evocative and powerful music is a blend of modern jazz with shades of Mediterranean, Folk & Latin influences. 

Pignataro is a Soho Recording award winning performer, a D’Addario Woodwind performing artist, and an endorser for Mauriat & Lupifaro saxophones. Marco also co-leads the Berklee Global Jazz Institute (BGJI), the world’s premiere jazz center for musical creativity at Berklee College of Music in Boston. 

The 2021 DC JazzFest – September 1-5, 2021 – will feature 20+ concerts, interviews and exclusive events with international superstars and homegrown talents. The signature event, DC JazzFest at The Wharf, scheduled for Labor Day Weekend (September 4-5) will be a hybrid of in-person and livestream performances in order to reach both local and far or worldwide audiences. 


WHEN: September 5, 2021 @ 5PM
WHERE: The Wharf, Washington DC


Tickets Info


More information, tickets, up-to-date health/safety measures and a full line up of the DC Jazz Fest 2021 available here.



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