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book tour> This is What I Live for: an Afro-Italian Hip Hop Memoir – Amir Issaa

This is What I Live for: an Afro-Italian Hip Hop Memoir – Amir Issaa
This is What I Live for: an Afro-Italian Hip Hop Memoir - Amir Issaa

March 12-18

The Italian Cultural Institute of Washington presents Italian rapper and writer Amir Issaa‘s USA Tour 2024 pt.2 dedicated to his new editorial and musical project: “This Is What I Live For” and starting on March 12!

This second tour sees Amir engaged in workshops, meetings and concerts that are a follow up of his engagements in the US during Black History Month and aim at presenting Amir’s new editorial and musical project which consists of the bilingual (English/Italian) autobiography, described in a volume of more than 400 pages, titled: “This is What I Live for: an Afro-Italian Hip Hop Memoir”.

The bilingual edition of his book is the result of growing interest in Amir’s work, in particular within academic circles, due to his commitment to reaching younger generations through education and linguistic style. The translation of the volume is the result of a collaborative educational project involving students and teachers from Georgetown University and San Diego State University. The volume is accompanied by a soundtrack composed of 20 audio tracks, each dedicated to a chapter of the story, which is already available on Spotify.

Ultimately, this project is a rhyming piece of work, halfway between an album and an audiobook, in which Amir’s narrative voice blends with a carpet of sound, created by talented Loris Mils, which is able to bring the listener into the atmospheres described in the memoir.

Here is the link to listen


March 12 – Morgan State University
March 13 – Towson University
March 14 – Georgetown University
March 18 – University of Richmond
March 18 – William & Mary College


  • Organizzato da: Italian Cultural Institute of Washington